skills guide
ÉSAC’s goal is to train artists who can both direct and perform projects. We look for the following skills:
- Excellence in mastering your circus speciality
- Creative autonomy and a strong artistic voice
- Ability to assess safety and workload to protect yourself and others
- Capacity to adapt what you have learnt for the benefit of creativity and/or research
- Management of the creative process for circus arts
- Ability to make connections between your own artistic approach and the world around you
Awareness of a circus artist’s role as a citizen and your contribution to the development of your art.
ECTS is the European system for transferring and accumulating credits. ECTS, or the European Credits Transfer System, was developed by the European Union in order to make it easier to understand and compare study programmes. It is part of the Bologna process. The curriculum is described in the programme outline
BAAC2 and BAAC3: The course framework is currently being approved by the relevant management bodies.
evaluating experienced candidates
If a potential candidate has completed a similar course at another circus school that is part of the Bologna system or can provide proof of at least 5 years of professional experience, they can ask for this to be assessed VAE. A panel of judges will then meet to assess the candidate’s experience. Please note that this is arranged during the admission tests and is not organised automatically.